About: Heirloom tomatoes

(c) HMFG copyright 2016 photo by mary moran, filter by Prisma

Imagine a sweet, perfectly acidic tomato that is rainbow colored and has a shape that even artists are envious of. What kind of tomato is this you ask? An Heirloom Tomato. The seeds of only the best tomatoes have been saved and passed down from generation to generation.

Heirlooms are known for their irregular shape and sometimes the crazier the shape the more desirable they become.  The surface of a tomato can have large brown cracks on the skin, and comes in a rainbow of colors.  They are a very costly treat and can run anywhere from $1 to $6 a piece but worth every penny.


Heirloom tomatoes should be soft yet firm. These tomatoes can be confusing to buy because unlike other tomatoes that you’re use to seeing in the grocery store, heirlooms have large brown spots on them that hard to the touch. These hard spots do not mean the tomato is bad, some breeds of heirlooms have large brown spots than others.


Tomatoes should be stored growing side down in a cool area out of the sun. Only refrigerate your tomatoes after you cut them. However, they’re best if you cut and eat them right away.  The exception to this rule is if you’re serving them for a party.


Wash under cold water, pat dry, and cut the tomato into wedges or slices. Wedges sometimes work with tomatoes that are strange shapes.

Acidity Level:

Tomatoes range in taste from sweet +3 to sour -3 and a perfect tomato is 0. Heinz Ketchup uses a 0 tomato so that they always know how to season it.

Tomato tricks:

Have your tomatoes cracked during their car ride home, no problem try soaking them in salted water overnight and the cracks will seal and the tomato will become firm again.  You will need to use the tomato within the next couple of days, but at least it saves you from having to throw it away.

Best Heirlooms to grow at home:
  • Cherry tomatoes are the toughest species with more give and are harder to kill.
  • Middle of the road hybrids- Better Boy and Sweet Tangerine
  • Three heirlooms- Jaune Flame, Gardeners Delight, German heirlooms
  • Red cherry tomato Nyugu- chocolate insides
  • Good Buys-pineapple, Kellogg’s breakfast, any reds, Noir de crimee, and Paul Robeson
Health Benefits:

Tomatoes can Aid digestion, strengthens your stomach, can be a diuretic, it can give energy and they’re loaded with vitamin C and Potassium

Heirloom Storage Tip

Make sure that you do not refrigerate heirloom tomatoes. Keep them on the counter at room temperature stem side down. If you do cut them, however, you can refrigerate them for up to an hour before serving without losing their delicious flavor.

Heirloom Tomato and Burratta Salad

3-4 servings           Total time: 15 minutes


  • 3-4 large heirloom tomatoes, 3 large slices per tomato
  • 2-3 small heirloom tomatoes, wedged
  • 1 ½ cups of arugula
  • 1 pkg buffalo mozzarella or burrata, quartered
  • 10 basil leaves
  • Good olive oil
  • 1 shallot
  • ¼ sherry wine vinegar
  • 1 lemon
  • Salt & pepper to taste


  1. Burrata: Remove the Burrata from the container and cut it seem side up into 4 pieces (make sure you use a sharp knife).
  2. Large tomatoes: Heirloom tomatoes are very awkward in shape and size. Therefore they can be difficult to cut. The easiest way to cut them is in large round pieces. Cut the growing end off and then continue cutting in parallel cuts all the way down the tomato.
  3. Small tomatoes: Cut the growing end off and then cut the tomatoes into wedges. Put the cut tomatoes into a medium mixing bowl.
  4. Shallots: Cut the top and bottom of the shallot off. Then remove the peel. The shallot will then split into two cloves. One of which will still have another peel on it, so go ahead and remove that one as well. Use your knife to make look slices along the veins of the shallot and then make horizontal cuts creating a dice on the shallot. Set aside.
  5. Dressing: In a small sauté pan add a ½ tablespoon of oil and sauté the shallot. When the shallot is glossy and aromatic add the sherry vinegar and reduce by half. Then whisk in the rest of the oil and season the dressing with salt and pepper.
  6. Salad: Toss small heirloom wedges with the arugula, dressing, salt and pepper.
  7. Then place 3 slices of the large heirloom on each plate, the Burrata, and then pour over the small heirloom wedges and dressing.
  8. The chiffonaded basil is a perfect garnish with cracked black pepper. If you want to add an extra touch of elegance you can pick the small basil leaf clusters at the top of each stem and put it on the plate as well.

Burrata is a very soft Italian cheese that has a skin on the outside and a milky creamy inside.

Heirloom tomato and avocado salad

A delicious combination of tangy heirloom tomatoes and creamy avocados. A perfect way to start off any meal or be the meal.


  • 3 heirloom tomatoes
  • 1 Haas avocado
  • 1 fresh buffalo mozzarella
  • 3 large basil leaves
  • 1 tablespoon good olive oil
  • ½ tablespoon red wine vinegar
  • salt and fresh cracked pepper


  1. Wash and dry the heirloom tomatoes
  2. Slice the tomatoes and set on a clean platter
  3. slice the buffalo mozzarella cheese and set it on top of the tomato slices
  4. cut the avocado into slices and set it on top of the cheese
  5. top everything with the vinegar first then the olive oil, then salt, then pepper and last the thinly sliced basil.

Sources: Our favorite Tomato Mania

Check out some of my other favorite tomato recipes– tomato and rice souptomato and avocado with grilled salmon and tomato and pesto panini

